How to fill out your ballot

Step 1. Vote for candidates in order of preference

On your Portland ballot for Mayor, Auditor, and City Council you will be able to rank up to six candidates.

Step 2. Rank your favorite candidate first.

Pick who you like best and rank them as your #1 choice.

Step 3. Rank up to six candidates.

Ranking all six spots on your ballot gives you the opportunity to make your voice fully heard. But if there aren’t six candidates you like, you can rank as few as you’d like.

Step 4. Making your vote count.

If your first choice doesn’t get enough votes, your vote can still count toward your second choice, third choice and so on. This means you can vote for the person you actually like best, without worrying about wasting your vote.

Step 5. Don’t like a candidate? Don’t rank them.

Ranking a candidate you don’t like is risky because your vote could end up putting them in office - even if you rank them last. You should only rank the candidates who you feel best represent you.

Step 6. Vote your values.

When you use ranked choice voting, you can support candidates with different backgrounds and perspectives. That means better leadership for our city, and a better path forward.